API Reference
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System Configuration API →
Keystone’s config function accepts an object representing all the configurable parts of your backend system.
Schema API →
This is where you define the data model, or schema, of your Keystone system.
Fields API →
Defines the names, types, and configuration of the fields in a Keystone list.
Access Control →
Configures who can read, create, update, and delete items in your Keystone system
Hooks →
Let you execute code at different stages of the mutation lifecycle when performing create, update, and delete operations.
Session →
Lets you configure session management in your Keystone system.
Authentication →
Supports authentication against a password field, creating initial items, password resets, and one-time authentication tokens.
Context API →
The primary API entry point for all of the run-time functionally of your Keystone system.
List Items API →
A programmatic API for running CRUD operations against your GraphQL API.
Database Items API →
A programmatic API for running CRUD operations against the internal GraphQL resolvers in your system.