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Keystone generates a CRUD (create, read, update, delete) GraphQL API based on the schema definition provided in the system config.

Consider the following system definition:

import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
import { text } from '@keystone-next/fields';
export default config({
lists: createSchema({
User: list({ fields: { name: text() } }),
/* ... */

This system will generate the following GraphQL API.

Note: The names and types of the generated queries and mutations are based on the names of the lists and fields in the system config.

type Query {
User(where: UserWhereUniqueInput!): User
allUsers(where: UserWhereInput, search: String, orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = [], first: Int, skip: Int! = 0): [User]
_allUsersMeta(where: UserWhereInput, search: String, orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = [], first: Int, skip: Int! = 0): _QueryMeta
type Mutation {
createUser(data: UserCreateInput): User
createUsers(data: [UsersCreateInput]): [User]
updateUser(id: ID!, data: UserUpdateInput): User
updateUsers(data: [UsersUpdateInput]): [User]
deleteUser(id: ID!): User
deleteUsers(ids: [ID!]): [User]
type User {
id: ID!
name: String
input UserWhereInput {
AND: [UserWhereInput!]
OR: [UserWhereInput!]
id: ID
id_not: ID
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
name: String
name_not: String
name_contains: String
name_not_contains: String
name_starts_with: String
name_not_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_not_ends_with: String
name_i: String
name_not_i: String
name_contains_i: String
name_not_contains_i: String
name_starts_with_i: String
name_not_starts_with_i: String
name_ends_with_i: String
name_not_ends_with_i: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
input UserWhereUniqueInput {
id: ID
input UserOrderByInput {
id: OrderDirection
name: OrderDirection
enum OrderDirection {
input UserUpdateInput {
name: String
input UsersUpdateInput {
id: ID!
data: UserUpdateInput
input UserCreateInput {
name: String
input UsersCreateInput {
data: UserCreateInput
type _QueryMeta {
count: Int



type Query {
User(where: UserWhereUniqueInput!): User
input UserWhereUniqueInput {
id: ID
type User {
id: ID!
name: String


type Query {
allUsers(where: UserWhereInput, search: String, orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = [], first: Int, skip: Int! = 0): [User]
input UserWhereInput {
AND: [UserWhereInput!]
OR: [UserWhereInput!]
id: ID
id_not: ID
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
name: String
name_not: String
name_contains: String
name_not_contains: String
name_starts_with: String
name_not_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_not_ends_with: String
name_i: String
name_not_i: String
name_contains_i: String
name_not_contains_i: String
name_starts_with_i: String
name_not_starts_with_i: String
name_ends_with_i: String
name_not_ends_with_i: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
input UserOrderByInput {
id: OrderDirection
name: OrderDirection
enum OrderDirection {
type User {
id: ID!
name: String


type Query {
usersCount(where: UserWhereInput! = {}): Int!
input UserWhereInput {
AND: [UserWhereInput!]
OR: [UserWhereInput!]
id: ID
id_not: ID
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
name: String
name_not: String
name_contains: String
name_not_contains: String
name_starts_with: String
name_not_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_not_ends_with: String
name_i: String
name_not_i: String
name_contains_i: String
name_not_contains_i: String
name_starts_with_i: String
name_not_starts_with_i: String
name_ends_with_i: String
name_not_ends_with_i: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
input UserOrderByInput {
id: OrderDirection
name: OrderDirection
enum OrderDirection {
type _QueryMeta {
count: Int



type Mutation {
createUser(data: UserCreateInput): User
input UserCreateInput {
name: String
type User {
id: ID!
name: String


type Mutation {
createUsers(data: [UsersCreateInput]): [User]
input UsersCreateInput {
data: UserCreateInput
input UserCreateInput {
name: String
type User {
id: ID!
name: String


type Mutation {
updateUser(id: ID!, data: UserUpdateInput): User
input UserUpdateInput {
name: String
type User {
id: ID!
name: String


type Mutation {
updateUsers(data: [UsersUpdateInput]): [User]
input UsersUpdateInput {
id: ID!
data: UserUpdateInput
input UserUpdateInput {
name: String
type User {
id: ID!
name: String


type Mutation {
deleteUser(id: ID!): User
type User {
id: ID!
name: String


type Mutation {
deleteUsers(ids: [ID!]): [User]
type User {
id: ID!
name: String